Backup policy has changed
Find out the latest changes and improvements made by the Hostico technical team in December.
Additional Resources
The requirements for physical resources of applications,whether we are talking about applications downloaded from the internet or custom built are constantly growing . As they become more complex, more powerful , denser with hundreds of functionalities the more resources they consume. What yesterday was more than enough from a resource point of view , today it barely satisties the minimum requirements. To counteract this tendency and to maintain a low level of response time for the accounts hosted on the Hostico network we have decided to increase the assigned resources not just for shared hosting packages as for our private virtual servers (VPS) as well. The increase of resources does not bring along an increase of cost, so for the same price you get more resources.
The aditional resources added to the virtual private servers (VPS) consist in 1 additional processor and 1 additional GB of RAM for each vps configuration. The following table will show you the before and after value of the resources assigned to the VPS servers.
Virtual Private Servers (VPS)
Shared Hosting
For shared hosting packages the increase of resources consists in the increase of php memory to 128MB for the Personal hosting category and 256MB for the Business and Reseller hosting categories. The following table will ilustrate the before and after resource values.
The range for most of the restore requests is 1-14 days after they have been generated. Rarely did we have to restore backups with more than 14 days from their creation because normally clients who check their web site if not daily, at least once every couple of days will notice if there is a malfunction in their website which can only be fixed with a backup restore. The cases in which the users alter or modify the structure of their website which in the end proves to be wrong is the most common situation but in this particular situation the most recent backup is used and there is no need for older ones. Consequently the period for which the backups are kept was modified from 30 to 14 days.