The resources of the hosting packages have been updated
Find out about the latest changes to Hostico web hosting packages.
After a general analysis over the diskspace occupied by the accounts found on various web shared hosting plans and VPS servers in SSD environment we decided to increase the diskspace allocated to Hostico packages.
The changes can be observed in the following table, they apply to all clients that own these hosting packages, except of course the owners of custom hosting packages.
New packages
PHP Memory
Also we decided to increase the allocated PHP memory from 256 MB to 512 MB for all shared hosting packages.
The Personal Maxi package will suffer one more modification, more exactly the dedicated IP will no longer be a default characteristic of this package but it can be bought as an additional option same as the other packages from the Personal category. This modification does not apply retroactively, the clients that benefit of the Personal Maxi package will still have the allocated dedicated IP, the modification being available only for the orders made after this modification.
cPanel Licenses
Due to the constant increase of the dollar, the cPanel license charge came to cost more than the amount charged for it, thereby we are forced to increase the amount of the license. Therefore starting with the 1st of April the cPanel license charge will increase at €12.50 . The new license charge will be applied only for the invoices issued after this date. The services paid in advance will not be affected by this increase.