Tutorials Plesk

Change data and Create User Account - Plesk

Discover the procedure for creating a new user account in the Plesk control panel.

Views 1279Updated 2 yearsPublished 07/02/2020by Mihai Bobriuc


  • In this tutorial we will list the steps that can be followed to create or modify a user account in the Plesk admin panel.


  • Access to the Plesk admin panel, username and password.


  • Creating a new user account is done by accessing the "Users" category in the main menu.

Meniu Plesk Selectie Utilizatori

  • From the "User Accounts" tab, select either the user whose attributes we want to modify, or the Create User Account button

Utilizator Nou

  • Mandatory fields will be filled in, similar to the following example:

Completare cont nou.

  • Explanatory notes:
    For the email address, you can use a pre-existing box or create a new box generated at the same time as creating the user account.
    More information on User Roles can be found here. {link ^}
    You can set the account as active from the moment it is created, or check "Activate account by email" to make the activation based on an email verification.

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