Tutorials WHM

Changing the space of a cPanel account from the WHM admin panel

This article explains how to change the space allocated to one or more cPanel accounts

Views 1469Published 12/09/2022by Mihai Bobriuc


This tutorial explains how to change the space allocated to one or more cPanel accounts from your reseller's WHM admin panel


  • a WHM account

Steps to follow

  • Once logged in to the WHM admin panel, search in the search box on the top left "Change share" and select the result obtained

Modificarea Cotei  cont WHM

  • in the window that will be displayed, you can select from the list the account for which you want to change the space quota, or if there are several created accounts, you can search using the search box in the displayed window

Selectare cont modificare cota

  • after selecting the desired account, press the "Change" button

Modificare cota pentru un cont cPanel WHM

  • in the next window, a table will be displayed where you can manually set the space allocated, in MB, to that account in the "Quota" box
    the "Show all Accounts" button will display tables with the rate change for all accounts individually

Alocare spatiu cont cPanel WHM

  • after setting the desired quota, press the "Save" button

  • after successful operation a confirmation message will be displayed in the lower right corner of the page

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