Tutorials Plesk

Installing Wordpress using Wordpress Toolkit – Plesk

Discover the steps required to install Wordpress for your website using the Wordpress Toolkit in the Plesk control panel.

Views 1271Updated 2 yearsPublished 07/02/2020by Mihai Bobriuc


  • In this tutorial we will present the steps that will be followed to install the Wordpress application through the Wordpress Toolkit in the Plesk panel.
    The Wordpress Toolkit makes it easy to install and manage Wordpress applications within your hosting.


  • Access to the Plesk admin panel, username and password.


  • We will login to the Plesk admin panel.
  • Wordpress Toolkit is accessible from the Plesk Main Menu:

Wordpress Toolkit Plesk

  • The Install option will be selected from the displayed window.:

Initiere instalare wordpress

  • Installation options:
    The desired installation will be configured from the displayed menu:
    The installation path will determine both the account under which Wordpress will be installed and whether the installation will be done with initial https support or not.
    There is the possibility of selecting one of the preset plugin and theme sets to facilitate site development.
    It is recommended to choose the latest version, Current version .

Optiuni de instalare Wordpress

  • Database Options:
    It is recommended to keep the automatically generated values ​​and customize them only if necessary.

Wordpress Baza de date

  • Automatic Updates Options.
    Updating the app, theme, and plugins used within an installation to the latest available version is a must for both the maintenance of your site and its security.
    But, to mitigate conflicts between the elements used, there is also the possibility to opt only for updates that affect the security of the application.

Wordpress Update

  • After configuring the options, you can proceed to the actual installation by pressing the Install button
    The progress of the installation can be followed in the displayed window:

Wordpress Progres

  • Note: If the use of a preset set of themes and plugins was chosen, its installation will be marked by the Plesk notification:

Wordpress Plesk Cron

When the installation is complete you will have the option to customize Wordpress by installing plugins and themes, this option is also available from within the Wordpress Toolkit menu.

Wordpress Personalizare Post Instalare

  • Now the main menu for maintaining and customizing your Wordpress installation is available:

Wordpress Toolkit Finalizare

  • Notes: Make sure the in-app settings for http or https are complementary to those in the Plesk panel, more info here {link,redirect https}

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