Transfer Wizard

71 websites migrated in the last 30 days
Method Give us access to the data
Upload Backup
Backup Link
Control Panel
Select File
10GB Max file size
File name
Progress Bar
10GB Max file size
Access Link ex:
Username Username access
Password Access password
Additional Information Information required to complete the transfer
Data Security: The transmitted data is encrypted, confidential and used exclusively for the purpose of migrating data in accordance with Hostico`s Terms and Conditions
Upload Information: maximum supported size 10GB, and accepted extensions are .zip, .tgz, .tar.gz
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Ooops Please schedule your transfer
Ooops Please upload your backup file
Ooops Please provide a backup file link
Ooops Please provide a access link
Ooops Please provide a authentication username
Ooops Please provide a authentication password
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