Table of Contents
I. General
II. Application Administration
III. Duration
IV. Functional changes and application/website layout
V. Costs
VI. Assistance/Support
VII. Availability
VIII. Administration limitation
IX. Liability limitation
X. Development services
XI. Financial
I. General
The administration of the applications provided on the service presentation page will be made in accordance with these terms and conditions.
II. Application Administration
The client commits to delegate administrative access rights to Hostico, who will be the sole holder of these rights during the service period.
We recommend this practice in order to eliminate the possibility of incorrect configurations, installing/uninstalling/updating some extensions/problematic themes.
We will update the extension / theme / application shortly after an official update is available, except for urgent security updates which will be applied as soon as they become available, even during the day if necessary, updating extensions , theme and application. The update will take place no more than 2 times a month. We limit the number of updates in order to better group and evaluate their compatibility with the rest of the elements that make up the application.
We will try not to interfere with/disrupt the functionality of the site by performing maintenance work in isolated environments (staging or clone), and subsequently to be copied in the production environment.
We can not guarantee the total absence of unpleasant events. Updates for extensions or themes purchased by the client and accessible only by the client will only be applied once the customer supplies the elements.
III. Duration
The initial optimization and security process of the application varies between 5-15 working days, starting from the moment the application/site is taken over by the xCMS team.
During this time, the client may be contacted to provide various information about the functionality/aspect of the application.
IV. Functional changes and application/website layout
During the optimization or security process, it may be necessary to remove/replace extensions or themes.
This need will be communicated and the decision will be yours. The optimization or securing process will be limited by keeping certain extensions/themes.
V. Costs
The initial or one-time fee for the service €200.00 in the initial process with all the steps included in the service being implemented.
The monthly subscription fee for customers who opt for the administration and supervision of the application is €25.00 .
Also depending on the application run and its needs, we may recommend the purchase of extensions or premium themes.
Any costs of purchasing these extensions or themes will be borne by the customer.
Development services will be charged within the assistance hours.
VI. Assistance/Support
Because of the many situations that can occur and which we can not foresee considering the multitude of themes or extensions used on each application, the support for their administration will be provided only via the ticketing system and only between 08:00 - 16:00
We expect that the person looking for assistance to have basic knowledge about the application used and technology of the services offered. We reserve the right to limit the level of assistance offered in lack of such knowledge.
Assistance will be provided in the best effort system - it is impossible to know all available extensions/themes, incompatibilities, vulnerabilities, and situations that their installation can create.
Following the services listed on the page xCMS , we will respond to the following application management requests within a limit of 2 non-reportable hours per month:
- extension/theme/application debugging
- application optimizations (loading time, caching, and so on)
- extensions/themes conflicts
- extensions instalation
We will not provide services for:
- design/redesign/stylization/branding
- optimization/SEO consulting
- theme/extension development
- integration of third-party applications (anything that has not been built for use on that platform)
If there are any doubts about the needs or requirements, please contact the relevant department for clarification.
VII. Availability
The service is available only for Hostico web hosting packages.
The acceptance of the sites in this service will be made only on the terms and conditions presented.
We reserve the right to reject any site on any grounds considered valid by us.
VIII. Administration limitation
Administration will be limited to the services and aplications described on xCMS.
Adding/modifying/replacing text/products/images or any other content as well as validating/registering/approving users, orders, comments or any other service or type of service of this kind or similar is not part of this service.
The success of the optimization and security operations also depends on the level of customization brought to the application at the code or database level.
In the case of highly personalized applications we reserve the right to consider the operations as development ones.
IX. Liability limitation
The client acknowledges that we do not assume responsibility for performing any administrative operations or installation / uninstallation / updating of extensions / themes as well as some settings made at the application level by him.These operations can make unwanted changes to the display, functionality, performance, and security of the application, respectively. We recommend that you contact us before installing / removing / modifying / updating an extension / theme for side effects.If it is necessary to restore the previous state of the application as a result of changes made by the user, we reserve the right to perform the operation only within the assistance hours.
- We do not guarantee a certain PageSpeed score or a certain load time - the site will be optimized for the best possible version, taking into account the application and the extensions/themes installed or used respectively.
- We do not guarantee the optimization of the application for all available devices, sometimes the installed themes/extensions can affect the operation or display of the site on certain devices.
- We can not guarantee a successfully completed update. The success of an update depends on several factors including the level of customization of the application and the version of the application used.
- Updates between versions with major structural and functional differences of the same component (application, module, theme, etc.) will be subject to a separate cost and time analysis.The client will be notified regarding this aspect, the subsequent development of the process being conditioned by the respective acceptance and its confirmation.
- What we can guarantee, however, is that if the update is not successful, we will restore the original version of the site.We always make backups before doing this.
- We cannot guarantee impenetrable security. There are probably unreported vulnerabilities that lead to the exploitation of applications / sites. We will implement both specific and general security measures. However, there will always be a possibility of compromising the application / site.
- Protection against certain DDoS attacks is done at the server / network level.
- In case of a compromise we can not guarantee the recovery of the site. Often attackers ruin the site irreversibly and the only solution is to rebuild the site. In these cases,all we can do is help you recover as much data as possible.
- If the customer insists on working with a certain extension/theme or version of them that we have presented as being problematic in terms of performance,security or functionality we will not take responsibility for the side effects caused by said extension or theme.
- Under no circumstances will we be held liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, data or profit loss, direct or indirect as a result of disruption of the site/application) as a result of the operations performed.
- We reserve the right to interrupt the offer of this service at any time of the collaboration, the return of the amounts of money in this situation being realized according to the terms presented in the Financial section of this document.
- We do not work with nulled extensions or themes.
- In case of performing administrative operations that directly or indirectly affect the measures taken to secure / optimize the site / application, operations performed by individuals external to Hostico, we reserve the right to request the purchase of assistance hours to redo all performance/security analysis operations on the site.
- The security and performance of an application running in a shared environment is directly related to the security and resource consumption of the applications with which it coexists.In these cohabitation situations we do not assume responsibility for the security or performance of the application, the recommendation being to run the application in an isolated environment dedicated to it.
- We are not liable in case the application/website is compromised due to an extension or theme whose updated version has not been provided by the customer in case only the customer has access to download the new version. In this case the situation can be resolved either by restoring a clean backup if one exists, which will be done free of charge, or by rescanning and cleaning the application, operation that will be performed at a cost within the assistance hours.
X. Development services
Modification or writing of code, regardless of the type (HTML, CSS, JS, PHP, SQL, etc.) is classified as a development service and will be charged within the support hours.
Hostico reserves the right to refuse development requests.
The interface of the site is not part of our responsibility - if installing/uninstalling an extension spoils the look of the site, or changing the theme results in elements not working, not displaying or displaying incorrectly, resolving these situations falls under web development and will be charged accordingly.
Updating of extensions, themes, applications that have undergone changes to the code or database, falls under the category of development services if it is not possible to update them without the need to revert/modify/update these changes.
XI. Financial
- The rates applicable to this service are displayed when you place an order for a Hostico hosting package.
- The installation fee is self-contained and does not include the cost of the first month`s subscription.
- Managed hosting services have an initial installation fee that includes all the xCMS services.
- After this installation fee, the subscription will be paid for a period equivalent to the chosen hosting package.
- If they exist, development services will be billed separately within the purchased suport hours.
- The service is acquired with a hosting package, per domain and application.
- The service cannot be transferred to another domain or application unless it is just a matter of changing the domain name, the managed application maintaining its status.
- In the case of heavily infected sites/applications, Hostico reserves the right to handle disinfection within the assistance hours.
- Any re-subscription to this service as a result of its interruption due to changing hosting provider, not paying for it, or any other reason considered valid by Hostico will require the installation fee to be paid again
Refund policy
This service does not fall within the 30-day money-back guarantee.
The initial setup fee along with the subscription of the first month will only be returned if the refund is requested before any operation has been run on the application/website.
Refunds will be made only for amounts paid in advance and only for the remaining month paid in advance.
Last Update : 03.07.2024