Tutorials Webuzo

Adding an email box to the Webuzo panel

The Webuzo panel allows the creation of an unlimited number of email boxes, associated with hosted domains. This tutorial will explain the steps required to add a mailbox.

Views 1440Updated 2 yearsPublished 21/06/2017by Mihai Bobriuc


The Webuzo panel allows the creation of an unlimited number of email boxes, associated with hosted domains. This tutorial will explain the steps required to add a mailbox.


  • to add an email box we will need the Webuzo administration data (username and password). These data can be found in the email with the panel administration data.


  • After logging in, we will go to the email section and click on "Email Account":

    Email account din panoul Webuzo

  • The fields in the window that will appear will be completed in the following way:
    Email:  the first field the name of the box, @, the second field the choice of the desired domain.
    Password: the password you want set to the box.
    Password (again): password confirmation.
    Create Account: We will click on Create Account, the button that completes the creation of the email box.
    * At the bottom in the "Email account of ..." section we will have a list of existing boxes on this domain. The newly added box will also appear here.

    Adaugare cont de email si completare webuzo
  • If everything is in order, we will be greeted by a success message, and at the bottom of the page under "Email account of ...." we will be able to see the new box created.

Vizualizarea casutei de email in panou webuzo

  • We can see the settings for email clients by clicking on the + symbol to the left of Mail Client Settings, under the Create account button. 

Notă: Once created, the box can be used either directly from the panel by accessing it Webmail, either by configuring the inbox in an email client Thunderbird, Outlook, Etc.

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