Tutorials Plesk

Creation of individual management panels for reselling Plesk

This article explains how to create and access certain subscriptions in the Plesk admin panel.

Views 1417Updated 2 yearsPublished 05/07/2022by Mihai Bobriuc


This tutorial explains the procedure by which a reseller provides access to a user, only on a specific domain / subscription in the Plesk administration panel.


  • a VPS with Plesk control panel
  • access data with ADMIN privileges

Steps to fallow:

  • after successfully authenticating as an ADMIN user in the Plesk panel, the main domain on which you want to provide individual access will be added to the server.
     Add Additional Plesk domain
  • later, the newly added domain will be found on the main page of the Plesk panel.
  • to create an independent access only for the new domain access Utilizator  from the menu on the left side of the Plesk main page.
  • in the page to be displayed is selected Creare cont utilizator
  • the fields in the following window will be filled in as follows:

In the "Contact name" field, fill in the name of the domain owner.         

In the "Email address" field, fill in the email address of the domain owner demo@hostico.ro or an external email address by choosing the "Use an external email address" option.

Adaugare adresa de mail

In the "User role" field, select "Application User" .

utlizator aplicatie

The "Access to subscriptions" field determines the account that the new user will have access to. !!! ATTENTION only the domain of the client for which the access is created will be selected here.

Selectare domeniu pentru access

The user with whom the login will be made in the new account is the e-mail address set to "Email address", it will be filled in and confirmed a password for it after which press "OK"

a confirmation message will be displayed after performing these operations.

Confirmare creare cont

  • a chart with all the users on the server will appear at the bottom of the page from where the newly created user will have to be selected.

Selectarea utilizatorului creat

  • on the next page, from the button it will be possible to edit the privileges offered to the new user.
  • after selecting / deselecting the desired privileges press the "Apply" button and then "OK"

Selectare privilegii

The connection data that will be transmitted to the user are:

  1. domain form connection link: port example demo.hostico.ro:8443
  2. the login user that consists of the email address set when creating the account
  3. the password set when creating the account

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